Halloween Part 2

Friday was a stay at home day for me and Sam.  After dropping Finn off at school we went to get the car washed.  Sam hates the carwash - he is scared to death of it.  Then we went to the store to pick up Finn's ZPak and a few groceries.   Later in the day Sam and I met a potential client at Cracker Barrel for a free consultation.  I called before hand and asked if she wanted to reschedule.  She assured me that she had no issue with Sam coming to the meeting.  While talking through some very serious stuff Sam ate a bowl of ice cream (by himself . . . with a spoon).  We were able to get through much of the consult while Sam was eating.  Once he finished he spent the remainder of the meeting telling me that he loved me.  As sweet as he was his timing was awful.  Here I sit with a sweet mother desperately wanted to regain custody of her two year old son and Sam started pulling on her heart strings.  I thought she was going to cry.

All this week our neighborhood has gone back and forth over what night we (as a neighborhood) would trick-r-treat.  We decided to go on Thursday - we made a poor decision.  Friday was a perfect night.  Originally we decided that we would stay in all night and hand out candy.  Finn decided that he wanted to wear his costume again so we decided to just walk around the neighborhood and see the decorations.  Since we knew that we would be walking a long way decided to take the wagon.

Our first stop was at a legitimately scary haunted house.  One of our neighbors hung a couple of sheets on their porch and put on a short walk through haunted porch.  Finn and I decided to go through it.  The closer we got the more Finn decided that this wasn't his idea of fun.  I asked if he wanted me to carry him through and he said yes.  It was actually really scary - dead guys with blood all over them that jump up at you, psycho doctors working on patients and a guy dressed all in black hiding in the bushes.  I screamed twice going through - Finn did too.  Once we made it safely out Finn told me that it was fun.

Next we went to the other scary house.  Finn went with Michael through this one. This house was a little kid friendlier.  It did have really scary music though.  Finn was doing great until a shot of dry ice squirted out on him.  He took off and never looked back.  I brought Sam up to the "scary butler" and he didn't say a word.  He just looked at him and shook.  I moved him back pretty quickly.

Next we stopped at the house that gives out hotdogs every year.  Finn ate the hotdog and gave Sam the bun. Then Finn and I raced home.

Once home we focused on giving out candy.  Finn got so excited every time the doorbell rang - he jumped up and ran for the door. He was really good at handing out candy.  One kid tried to take multiple pieces of candy (which we encouraged because we had so much) and Finn told him "no" and that he could only have two pieces.

Finn's friends Griffin and Gavin stopped by. 

I really had a great night with the boys.  We growled at each other, made scary faces at each other and read Halloween books.  I pretended that every page of the book was scary (even though it wasn't).  By acting that it was really scary Finn and Sam believed it was really scary and got really excited every time I turned a page.  

Around 8:30 we put the candy bowl outside and put the boys to bed.  Finn was concerned that he would miss the trick-r-treaters.  We assured him that all the trick-r-treaters were going to bed too.  I reiterate - it was a great night. 

On a more serious note, Finn asked his first legitimate question about God and Heaven. As we were tucking Finn in he asked about going to Heaven.  Michael was able to explain to Finn how he could go to Heaven.  I was a really special moment.  T


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