My Awesome Birthday Cake

Today I celebrated my 33rd birthday with Nana and Papa.  I was awoken by Finn this morning at 8:00.  It was so nice to sleep in.  Finn slept with Nana the night before and held out as long as he could before sneaking away from Nana and waking us up.   We decided not to go to church with Nana and Papa and instead decided to slum it.  We did send Sam with Nana so that we could have a few minutes of peace and quiet.

When they got back from church Nana finished my birthday dinner.  Right before lunch we put Sam to bed. Then we all sat down to eat. Finn was super excited about his dinner.

Nana did manage to get him to at least look like he was eating for the purpose of taking a picture.  I think he had a bite of moo meat (what Papa called the roast),  4 and 1/2 bites of cheese grits, one potato bite and a green bean (singular).

The dinner was wonderful.  Mom and I went over the menu earlier in the week.  Needless to say I have been looking forward to this meal for a while.  Yes, I know I look ridiculous.  Michael gave me an inordinate amount of grief over eating dinner in the robe.

After dinner Mom brought out my birthday cake, a.k.a. the best birthday cake ever baked . . . .

  . . . I mean seriously - you can't beat it.  Thank you mom - it was awesome!

Then we opened presents.  Finn asked me what I got for my birthday.  I showed him my new Michael Kors purse.  Due to logistics I ordered the purse, had it delivered to my house and brought it with me to mom's house.  Finn couldn't wrap his mind around how this purse was my present.  He said, "mom, you already have that purse."  Then his father made a snarky remark about how Finn is just going to have to get used to behavior like this because this is just how mommy's family does things.  Michael saying something snarky . . . no. I also got a gift card from SteinMart - one of my favorite places. Nana and Papa, thank you for the great birthday party!

When we got home I decided to put the Christmas tree up.  The boys were so excited.  Sam and Finn played with the decorations in the box and watched Harry Potter while Michael and I put the tree up.  This was a disaster.  All of the lights on my pre-lit tree went out.  I spent two hours cutting the lights out of the tree - my fingertips hurt so bad.

I vow to never buy another pre-lit tree; so help me.  (I ran our of regular Christmas lights so I could only light a third of the tree.


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