Worker Bee

Today was a very long day for Finn.  It started early this morning as Finn watched me put my makeup on in the bathroom.  As he watched he complained loud and long about going to school.  Finn has apparently caught on to the fact that when you go to school everyday you don't get to spend as much time at home playing.  (Michael thinks it is because Finn has discovered that the "old school" Nintendo is the best thing ever.) As any good mom would do, I told Finn that if he would stop complaining I would give him candy.

By the time I dropped Finn off at school he had completely forgotten that he didn't want to go.  If fact, he was pretty mad at me when I picked him up a few minutes early that afternoon.  I had a meeting at DCS that started at 3:30 so Finn had to come with me.  Before going to the DCS office we stopped at the gas station to get a snack.  I asked Finn if he wanted Skittles and he said, "mom, are Skittles healthy?"  I told him, "no, not really."  So Finn set off down the aisles in search of a "healthy" snack.  He settled on "Cheese Puffs."  So, at least for today, Finn thinks that Cheese puffs are healthy.

We arrived at the DCS office at 3:30.  As the meeting was starting I got out Finn's Kindle and turned on Ninja Turtles.  I jammed the head phones in his tiny ears and spread out his chocolate milk and cheese puffs. We were all set.  All was going well until, during a very tense and quiet portion of the meeting Finn yells "MOM."  Bare in mind that Finn wasn't meaning to yell.  He just hadn't adjusted to the fact that he was wearing head phones.  A few minutes later Finn was taken to a special kids room at the DCS office with my client's son.  He had a really good time.

On the way home Finn started saying the "Pledge."  Then he said, "I need to pretend that Daddy is dead."  Shocked, I asked why.  Finn said, "well, when people die we get to say the pledge."  I told Finn that we don't need to pretend that people are dead - it is too sad.  Finn agreed and said that he would be so sad if he couldn't play with daddy anymore.  Then he said, "daddy plays with me more than you."  I asked him what he meant and he said, "Daddy doesn't do homework at night." Ouch - well, at least he didn't pretend that I was dead - BURN!

I have decided that I like Sam again.  I have always loved him, but there for a while he was pretty difficult.  Recently he has been so sweet.  He will crawl up into my lap and say "cuddle mama."  He is also really good and telling me he loves me.  At night when I put him to bed I tell him that I love him and and he says, "I love you too mama."  The other night I was out working and missed Sam going to be bed.  When I got home I went into his room to tell him goodnight.  He wasn't asleep yet so I got down and stuck my head close to the bars of the crib.  He scooted his body over and gave me a kiss through the bars, said, "I love you mama - goodnight" and then went right back to sleep.

Sam is also really enjoying Ninja Turtles.  He can say most of their names now.  I stands in the middle of the floor, points to the TV and yells their name out:  Dough Knee (Donnie) Mikey Jello (Michelangelo). 


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