
The 2013 Thanksgiving Extravaganza

The Thanksgiving Holiday break started for me on Tuesday.  Dad picked both boys up from school/daycare Tuesday afternoon and took them to Tullahoma.  After work on Tuesday I was officially done for the rest of the week!  I met Michael at Brixx pizza and we had a nice quiet dinner.  It was a great dinner except for the gravel in my quatro formaggio pizza.   After supper we went home to watch Breaking Bad and I made homemade ice cream.

On Wednesday I did a few piddly things at work and then Michael and I headed to Manchester to spend the night at Nana and Papa's house.  When we got there Em and her crew were already there.  We ate pizza and then Em put her boys to bed.  After the boys were asleep we spent the rest of the evening in the playroom watching Youtube videos.  I don't remember the last time I have laughed that hard for that long - my cheeks hurt from laughing.

We quickly went from laughing to being grossed out.

As a side note, mom took this picture and 91 more just like it (no joke).  Then she somehow turned the iphone camera around on herself and took a few of herself taking pictures of us.  

On Thanksgiving Day I was up by around 8:00.  Per tradition I listened to my Thanksgiving text from Uncle Jerry. Then I made apple dumplings for breakfast and Mom made sausage crescent rolls.  After breakfast Grandad and Gigi dropped my boys off at the house.  Finn and Sam were excited to play with Cooper and Hank.  They played with balloons (threw them over the balcony) and they also played with the remote control helicopter.

Next it was time for the parade.  I love the parade because the perform a few numbers from whatever is on Broadway.  The boys weren't terribly interested in the parade.  There were a few floats that grabbed their attention - i.e. the ninja turtle float.  After the parade the boys played outside while we lounged.

Thanksgiving dinner was served around 2:30.  Sam slept through the entire meal.  The food was great!  We had turkey (made by Papa), Salmon (made by me), sweet potato casserole, asian slaw, grape salad, strawberry pretzel salad, and rolls. Midway through lunch Finn woke up and came strolling in the dining room in his underwear.

Then we opened our Christmas ornaments.  Finn got a "Monsters Inc." ornament; Sam got a "singing hound dog" and I got a "Mischievous Kitten" and a "Winnie the Pooh"

After dinner Em, Zac, Michael and I drove to the Tullahoma movie theater to meet Deanna and Ben to see "Catching Fire."  We had so much fun!  The movie was great and Deanna and Ben are so fun to hang out with.  After the movie we went to Waffle House. The six of us shoved into a tiny little booth and we sat and laughed until close to midnight.  We also planned our girl's trip to New York City to stay with Deanna and Ben to see "Rocky the Musical."  It was honestly one of the most fun nights I can remember.

The next morning I woke up and went for a quick run.  When I got back we packed up the car to go home while Nana and Finn went on their special walk around the property.  I have no idea what they do on those walks but it must be fun because Finn always asks to go.  While they were walking Sam and I read "Deck the Halls" as illustrated by Norman Rockwell.  Sam loves this book.

Sam feeling a little left out because it was too cold for him to go on the walk. 

After everyone had pottied we packed the boys in the car.  As we were pulling out of the driveway Finn told Nana, "Nana, please watch out for the evil Shredder."

"I'm being silly daddy," said Sam.


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