99 Things To Do at Nana and Papa's

Admittedly, it's not quite 99. 

 Watch "neckfwis" with Papa.  That's "Netflix" for those of us over four (4).  

 Go through the "treasure chest."

 Get indoctrinated by Nana and Stannie and Ollie. Nana promises that this wasn't staged. I smell propaganda. 

 Break child labor laws. 

Intimidate your brother with the threat of violence.

 Turn into crazy cat lady.  They are pretty though, aren't they?

 "Solemnly swear you are up to no good." 

 Admire the view. 

 Get "jiggy with it." Yes, that's gangster.

Go on a "Fantastic Voyage."  Slide, slide, slippity slide.  (I couldn't resist after feeling "jiggy.")

Not sure . . . 

 Paint rocks.  This is Finn's pet rock, named "Rock."  Nana even wrote "Rock" on the rock, just in case we forgot. (This idea came from the show "Dragon.")

 Run around the "dark forest."  (Sam's words - not mine)

 Get "weighed, measured and found wanting." 

 Commit at least one of the seven deadly sins.  

 Join the "Hunt Club" militia. 

Bathe the local landscape.  

Burn hot-dogs.  

 Eat dinner, outside, in your underwear.

 Take "pyro" lessons from Papa (check out Finn's expression)

Have an awesome time!


  1. WOW Leah and Greg are great! The bar is set pretty high for the rest of us!


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