Disciplinary Report

Last Tuesday, as I was going through Sam's school folder, I found a "disciplinary report."  The report informed me that Sam refused to take a nap.  The teacher indicated that every disciplinary tactic that the school can use failed and that Sam's only reaction was to smile incessantly. The report went on to say that Sam refused to stay in his bed, that he yelled (with the purpose of waking the other students), and that he kicked the wall.   I was mortified.  I have had experience with the whole "smiling routine" and it is infuriating. After giving it some thought, I decided to try bringing "soft bunny" to school.  So on Wednesday morning, I loaded Finn, Sam and "soft bunny" into the car and we headed to school.

On the way to school I asked Sam, "are you going to be a good boys at school today?"  Sam very curtly replied, "no." I then asked, "why Sam?"  He stated, "because." Then he said what shocked me to my core.  In a very whiny, very smart alecky voice Sam said, "because why!"  That little stinker had just mocked me.  Every time said answers with "because" I always follow with "because why?"  And no, he wasn't just spouting off what he is used to hearing - he said it in such a tone that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was purposefully being disrespectful.  I was actually pretty mad at him.  I was also dreading taking him to school, but I didn't want his early morning mockery to continue throughout the day.

Before taking him into school, Sam and I has a talk and I explained that he must obey Ms. Beth.   When I picked him up that afternoon, Ms. Beth reported that "soft bunny" worked like a charm. She said he crawled right into bed and was sound asleep within two (2) minutes.  She also told me that he was a good listener and that he obeyed all day.  I was so relieved . . . for now.


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