Blue Shoes

Well, I have to say it . . . pride most certainly does before a fall.  On our trip to Pigeon Forge, I made the biggest deal about how my kids NEVER get sick. A midst all the bragging about my children, I also managed to throw in how I NEVER get sick either.  Well . . . when I went to pick the boys up from Dad's I was informed that both of my children threw up while I was away.

When I got home I was feeling fine.  Midway through a conversation with Michael, I looked at him and said, "I think I might get sick later tonight."  Sure enough around midnight I was sick too.

Because I was sick I spent most of the next morning lying around.  Around 4:30 Finn and Michael went to church.  Sam stayed home with me.  This is a picture of Sam playing with Finn's toys while I was blogging at the computer.  I asked Sam, "Sam, does Finn want you to play with his toys?"  He popped his head up quickly and said, "yes he does."  Despite his words, his face looks a little guilty.

Sam playing with "Finn McMissile" or as Sam calls it, "the car from Harry Potter."

Here are few pictures of Sam modeling his new shoes.  He was so excited about these shoes.  He calls them his "blue shoes" - this kids is clearly a genius (yes, that is sarcasm).  He brought them to me and said, "put these on me."  I told him that his shoes wouldn't fit over his jammies so he said, "take my jammies off me."   I did,  and then I put his shoes on his feet.  I think that this little boy is very reminiscent of another little baby that liked to walk around in her panties and tennis shoes (that would be me).

He kept those shoes on the remainder of the evening.  He looks so cute in those blue shoes. 

When it was time for bed Sam asked me to on turn Harry Potter. I did and then went to unload the dishwasher.  This is what I found when I came back. 

This, however, is how Sam's laid back pose looked from the front.  Not quite so easy going.  Actually, Sam covers both ears when he is getting sleepy.

Just a few more pictures of Sam hanging in his shoes.

Okay, generally, I am not a fan of the "selfie." With that said, I do recognize certain exceptions. One being, the "my kids is being really sweet snuggling with me and there is no one around to take my picture" exception.

Sam has been on  real "mama" kick lately.  He has spent the last few weeks glued to me.  Goodness, I love him.


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