Wedding Juice

On the way home from the boy's school this afternoon, the phone rang.  I was pretty engaged in the conversation, but I could still hear a bit of grunting and sounds of struggle coming from the back seat.  After hanging up the phone, I happened to look back to see Finn sitting bare chested - just as happy as could be.  All that struggling I heard was Finn trying his best to take his shirt off over his seat belt.  

When we got home from school Finn asked to color.  It wasn't too long before Finn comes running into the den letting me know that was "King Kong."  He had even colored himself to look like King Kong . . . .  sort of.  It kinda sends a mixed message to children when you get on to them for coloring all over their body and then in the next breath ask them to pose for a picture.

During baths tonight Finn and Sam played "tea party" again.  While playing tea party Finn said, "did you know that Jesus turned water into juice?"  I said, "what kind of juice?"  Finn replied, "wedding juice."  

After baths we came downstairs for wind down time snuggled on the couch and watched the "car" parts of Harry Potter.  After putting Sam to bed, I came downstairs to see that Finn had completely set up his Candy Land game.  We played two (2) games; Finn beat me once and then I demolished him in the second game. So far, Finn is a pretty gracious loser. 

Tonight at bedtime, Finn prayed to have good dreams, he prayed that both he and Sam would obey their parents, and he prayed for Papa Bruce to feel better.  


  1. Thank you for praying for Papa Bruce Finn!! I love you and so does he. He thinks you are a super smart boy! By the way, I love "Wedding Juice"!

  2. Keep on praying Finn, Papa feels a little bit better today. Love you!


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