Ball Pit

Well, I think that we have made it past all the sickness.  On Friday morning I woke up super nauseous and remained nauseous the rest of the day.  I fell asleep right after Michael got home from work and didn't do much the rest of the night.  I did allow the boys to put smiley face stickers all my feet.

On Saturday I woke up to find that Finn had made a sticker path all the way through the kitchen and den.  I still felt pretty crummy so I let it go.  At 8:30 I made a conscious decision to feel better so I got up and started cleaning.  It was at this point that I started tackling the stickers.  Since they were close to impossible to get up, I made Finn help me.  Finn learned that it wasn't nearly as much fun cleaning up stickers as it was putting down sticker.  Lesson learned.

Sam in "time out."

After Michael got up we all went outside to play.  It was so nice outside - I think it is close to 70 degrees! First, Finn and Sam played with Sam's ball pit.

After a quick wardrobe change . . .

The boys LOVED it for about five minutes.  Then they realized that they didn't want to share it with each other which lead to pandemonium.

Next the boys ate lunch on the picnic table.  Sam got stuck.

After lunch Finn decided that he wanted to play "Harry Potter."  He assigned us all characters based on our personality and physical stature. Sam was "Ron" and I was "Hagrid the Giant" (direct quote).   Finn grabbed my extra long Sonic straw and off we went to "dark forest" to show bad guys with his wand (straw).  Sam thought it was so cool.

Next we all sat in the playhouse (the one on the swing-set) and talked.  Sam looked at Finn and said "that's my Finn."  Finn responded, "I'm so glad we've got Sam now."  The way he said it made it sound like we went and picked Sam out at Toys-R-Us.  I am so glad they have each other.

During Sam's nap Finn and I went exploring on the rock wall behind the house.  Finn helped me watch for snakes.  He was thrilled to find a gardening shovel.  We had a really nice time together. Finn held my hand the entire time and just talked to me as walked.


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