The Bathroom Blues

Sunday morning Finn and Sam came down and crawled in bed with me and we snuggled and talked for a few minutes. (I have decided that being woke up each morning with these sweethearts is one of my favorite things in life! They are just precious!) We had Dinosaur oatmeal for breakfast, then we brushed our teeth and I got them dressed for church. I turned on the cartoons for them to watch while I showered and got myself ready. When we all ready, I asked them to stop on the patio to take a picture. They both posed wonderfully and then Finn wanted to take a silly picture so I said okay. It was really cute. Once we got to church , I turned off the car, and we had the talk- you know, all about being polite, shaking hands, giving hugs, sitting quietly and not running in church. Sam and Finn agreed that they would remember the rules and off we went. We sat on the front row, and the boys were absolute angles! They stood for the music and prayers and turned to proper pa...