Mama and the Gimp

Finn's teacher posted this picture of Finn's Kindergarten class. 

Finn's second day of school.  We went for the Green and blue today. 

Sam did not got to school again today.  His left leg is still really bothering him.  What sealed the deal was Sam's fall last night.  Every night after reading their bedtime story, Sam likes to hop out of bed and turn the light off.  Last night, presumably out of habit, Sam hopped out of bed to turn the light off and hit the floor hard.  

The next morning Michael took Finn to school and we let Sam sleep until we woke up naturally.  At 9:00 I heard Sam's bedroom door open.  I opened my door hoping to see Sam walking sleepily down the hallway.  Instead, I saw my sweet boy crawling down the hall toward my bedroom.  I went ahead and made an appointment a 10:00 appointment for Sam to see his pediatrician. 

I put Sam in his boots to try to keep his foot steady.  It took a while to see the doctor.  While we were waiting in the exam room I drafted a few pleadings and Sam watched "Room on the Broom" on Netflix.  When I turned it on Sam explained, "Nana has this book!" 

After examining Sam's leg Dr. Johnson thought it best that Sam see an orthopedist before the end of the day.  He scheduled the appointment for 1:50 in Gallatin, which meant that I couldn't pick up Finn from school.  The orthopedist didn't find anything either.  So we are just waiting it out. 

Finn told me tonight at bedtime that he is sure Sam is faking. 


  1. I hope Sam is OK. Please keep us updated. Maybe it is sprainged (sp?)???


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