CASA Fundraiser

I am ashamed to admit this, but I slept until almost 11:00 on Saturday. I have no idea how this happened. When I finally managed to drag myself downstairs I learned that Michael had taken the boys to get donuts for breakfast. 

Saturday was pretty quiet. The boys played while Michael did some yard work and I transferred clothes from Finn's closet to Sam's closet. It doesn't seem like that big of a job, but it pretty much took me all day. Well at least the portion of the day that I was actually awake. 
This is Sam watching "Paw Patrol" and pretending that he is one of the pups in their pup-mobile. 

Later that evening we attended the CASA fundraiser at the Bagsby Ranch. It was a Luau theme so we all dressed in either floral or bright colors. 

This is Erin Stubbs, me and Samantha. It was a work event. 

The venue was great! 

Erin, Josh, Robyn and Shawn. We had a very lively table. 

Samantha and Matt 

After dinner Matt and Samantha dragged us all out on the dance floor and we danced to 70s funk.  We looked ridiculous but had so much fun!


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