10 Year Anniversary

On Friday we all met Gran at Parker Uniforms to get Finn's school clothes for the year.  He is required to wear an HCA uniform every day to school. It was pretty crowded when he got there, but we were able to find most everything we needed.

Then we went to Dillards to pick out some school shoes.  Gran got Finn a pair of navy blue Sperry's and some Merrells.  Finn picked out both pair.  He did a really great job.

Thank you Gran for uniforms and the school shoes!  Next we went to Chik-fil-A for lunch.

Later that afternoon we all went over to Jack and John Matthew's house for a pool party.  The boys swam and played while Shelley and I prepared dinner.  We had a really great time.  I am really sad that Jack and Finn will be attending different Elementary schools.  We love this family so much.  We do plan to hang out with them as much as we can though. Before leaving the house that night Jack's dad gathered us all together and prayed over Jack and Finn and their first day of school.

The next day Michael took the boys to get donuts.  Sam was not too keen on getting out of bed.

After naps we went to Gran and Pa's house for our 10th Anniversary Party.  Gran and Pa planned a lunch get-together to celebrate. The whole family was there.  We had a great time.


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