Going on a Pic-Nic

On Saturday morning the boys slept till 6:00 a.m.:I heard them coming to my room and pretended to be asleep. They both climbed right up in the bed with me and were whispering to each other, Finn got as close as he could to my face and I just reached up and gave him a big hug then Sam climbed over and we just snuggled in the bed for a few minutes until Finn said, "Gran, I'm starving". So we all headed to the kitchen. I fixed a big breakfast for them and then we went out to play and water the flowers. I had decided not plan anything for the morning because we had been on a pretty tight schedule and I felt like the boys needed a little down time.

First we watered the flowers, Finn "helped" a lot, Sam wasn't that interested. Then Finn, Sam and Batman started their work out. First Finn and Batman worked on some pull-ups, Then Batman demonstrated to Sam how to climb a tree. Sam decided that Buz Lightyear was better at climbing trees and suddenly turned into him, ran across the yard and made a great effort to climb a very big tree! He was almost up the tree when he looked at me and said, "Gran I need to go poop"! We all headed straight to bathroom and after a short time headed back outside when we noticed that someone (meaning Finn) did not close the door and Kitty Cat Kate was outside! Finn was quick to apologize for not closing the door, but I assured him that it was fine because Kate really doesn't like to walk on grass so she is easy to find. The boys thought it was so funny watching Kate look at the flowers! We went into the house to dressed and Finn wanted to pick out play clothes so I let him help me to look in the closet for something to wear. He spotted a Gravedigger Tshirt that I bought for him years ago and was waiting for him to grow into it. It fit him perfectly and he loved it! I found a Tshirt for Sam with #3 on it, I bought it when he was 2, it won't fit him again, they are both growing way too fast! I let them watch one Veggie Tales and then it was time for naps.
I had been promising the boys that we would go on a real picnic for a few weeks and when they woke up from their naps we started packing our basket. First we got out the Sliced Ham and "Flat Cheese", Sam has been learning about shapes at school so I got out the cookie cutters and let them make circles and squares out of the slices. Sam woke up hungry and ate most of his as fast as he made it! It was so funny! After we made our shpes we began to pack the rest of the basket. They just loved picking out things to take. They packed apples, orange slices, chocolate chip cookies, Doritos, grapes, bottled water and chocolate milk! I knew they would never eat that much food but I didn't care, we had plenty of ice and I just planed to bring home what we didn't eat.

When we got to the park their were a lot of people at the playground and no available picnic tables, so we pulled a blanket out of the car and spread it out on grass near the playground. Finn told me that, "now we are having a real picnic". We were in the shade and it was a beautiful day, it was very humid but the breeze kept everything cool. Sam and Finn ate and ate, finally as I started to put things away Sam looked at me and said, "I just want one more grape," so I handed him the bowl and he ate at least 10 more grapes! I don't know how he eats that much?

After we put everything back in the car we down to the playground, which was just fabulous, they have everything a child could want to play on and it is well separated so the children are not running over each other. It was very busy though and I stayed right with the boys the whole time. There were seesaws, slides, rock walls to climb, a bridge that Sam ran across all by himself, and a pole that Finn went down all by himself! they were having a blast and we stayed until it started to sprinkle. when we got in the car, I gave the both a cold bottle of water and they were ready to go!

We stopped at the church on the way home to get everything ready for Sunday morning, then went to "Clovers" to get drive thru. While we in the drive through behind several cars Sam told me he needed to potty! I asked him if he could hold it since I was trapped in the line, he assured me that he could. We waited and waited, we were getting closer to getting our food when Sam said, "I need to go right now!", once again I asked if he could make it for a few more minutes and he said yes, ( I was ready to let him go right outside of the car,in the line). Soon as we got our food I parked and we ran in, I was so proud of Sam and I told him he did a good job! We came home took baths and at and watched Veggie Tails. Once again, both boys feel asleep during our story . 


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