Sam's First Day of K-3

The day has arrived - Sam can walk.  He was doing much better Wednesday night so we decided that Thursday would be THE day.  Michael took him to school and told me that Sam did great - he just walked right in.  Maybe I should say he "limped" in.  While is he walking, he still favors his left foot.

I picked the boys up later than day.  Both Sam and Finn had a great days. 

Later than evening I went to take the carry permit course (again).  Last time I went with mom - this time I went with my lawyer friends from Juvenile Court.  I got there around 5:30 p.m. and got home around 12:30 a.m.  It was a long night, but we had a ball. 

Robyn and Samantha - point their guns in safe directions.

Erin Stubbs - looking studious. 

Erin, Patti, Brian (Patti's husband), Robyn and Samantha.  This was midway through the evening.  I have no idea how we got through the class - we laughed and cut up way too much.  Luckily, Patti is good friends with the instructor and he let us have as much fun as we wanted.

This is apparently what I look like when I shoot.  Believe it or not, I am actually trying to look serious. 

We all passed.  I did even better this time than last time. EStubbs did the best!

Our instructor!


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