Broyles Reunion

On Sunday morning we all went to church with Nana and Papa.  Finn and Sam both attended children's church.  Finn was shocked and appalled to learn that he had been sent home with with homework.  It was a bulletin that had had an activity on it that he could complete at home.  Nana convinced him that it was homework.  Everyone in the balcony could hear Finn's dismay.

After church we got ready to go to the annual Broyles reunion.  

Finn took all the pictures to this point.  He loves taking pictures.  I usually let him take pictures with my IPhone.  But he has learned to use my good camera and took the pictures above with the good one. 

I took these pictures of Finn taking pictures.  He looks so grown up holding that camera.  He walked around all day at the cave (yesterday) taking pictures. 

Anyway, we left Manchester around 11:30 to head up to the mountain. Nana rode with us and can attest that Finn and Sam argued and fussed the entire way. 

When we got there our first stop was to the outhouse so that Sam could use the bathroom.  He was not a fan of the outhouse - and really, who can blame him.  He looked in the hole and immediately saw a spider.  At that point he refused to let me put him on the potty.  He finally agreed to stand on either side of bowl - fair enough. 


Finn and Papa played horseshoes most of the day. 

Sam spent a lot of time on the swing. 

Me and Finn listening to Uncle Kenneth give his address. 

It was a great day - but it was really chilly. 

Sam in his new Minion hat. 

Once we got home, Finn and Sam played with Ella and Addison while Michael, Brandon, and Uncle James watched the Titan's game.  I made cookies for our Sunday School Class. 

Speaking of our class, we took this picture last night since we were all there (for the first time all summer)!


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