Mommy's Coming Home

Well our last day arrived and I knew that the boys were so excited to go get Mommy at the Airport. I was determined to get Sam to school without tears! As we ate breakfast we talked about what a big day we were going to have and that we did not want to cry at school today, because we were so happy!  Then we talked about all the fun we had been having the last few days.

Here are a few things that occurred on most days.......
Finn always likes to feed Sandy when he is here. He stayed right on top of her morning and afternoon feedings each day. Sandy loves for the boys to come over.
Kate also loves the boys, I've never seen a cat that loves children as much as she does Finn and Sam. they played with her everyday, and when they weren't playing with her she was guarding their backpacks.
I had new pajamas for the boys and they couldn't stop looking at themselves in the mirror.
We took a long bath on most nights and they had fun just playing in the water.
We read a chapter out of Charlottes Web each night.(if they could stay awake) I am really impressed by how well they remember the story after each chapter. We are going to see the play this fall so I wanted them to be familiar with it.
After we got in the car, I mentioned to Sam again how we were happy and we didn't want to cry this morning. ( I know it bordered on brainwashing, but I like to think of it as suggestive reasoning) I made sure that we left 15min. earlier so that I could be certain that Sam would get to go early stay. When we got to school, I jumped out and started getting Sam out and he looked at me and said," I'm not even crying Gran!" I told him how proud I was and what a big boy he was and how happy we were and what a good day we were having and every other positive thing I could think of to say! We stopped for one last picture before we went inside. Sam went in early stay to watch TV and never looked back! I Was SOOOO happy! I took Finn to his class and reminded him that he might go to late stay since I had a Dr. appointment, but that I would be there to pick them up.
I arrived at about 3:45 to pick up the boys, Finn was having a ball on the playground and Sam was ready to go get Mommy! I told him we had to go tidy up the house first and I made sure that they had snacks since we would be eating dinner later. When we got to the house, I did some laundry and in no time at all we needed to leave. I told Sam and Finn to go potty so we could leave. Finn went first then Sam. I was putting shoes on Finn when Sam came out of the bathroom and said, "Batman fell in the potty", I just told him we would have to get him out when we came home. I was getting his shoes on him and I noticed he wasn't wearing any underwear! I asked him what happened to them and he said in the sweetest voice, "nuffing" so I asked him why he didn't have them on and he said, "I don't want to wear them". I explained that we have to wear them and grabbed a clean pair for him. Heaven only knows what he did with the others! LOL!
We had a smooth ride to the airport with no traffic and arrived a little bit early. We parked in the 15 minute zone but had to move because our time ran out. Sam and Finn were watching the sky for mommys plain as we circled the airport, Erin sent us a text that she had landed so I told the boys to look for her as we approached the 15min parking again. Finn saw her right away! Both boys started calling out to her and I got parked and got them out as fast as I could! There were lots of hugs then we all piled back into the car and went to get some dinner. 

Sam made a great effort to eat all of Erin's Cheetos. The boys could not get close enough to Erin, they were adorable! We had fun visiting and talking about the trip, then I took them all home. 

I was so happy for our fun week, I can't say how Thankful and Blessed I feel to have such a precious family. It means the world to me that Michael and Erin are such wonderful parents and that they allow me to have an active roll in their lives!


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