Memory Verse

Each week the boys have a Bible verse to learn and quote to their teacher at the end of the week.  Last night while taking a bath I decided to work with Sam on learning his verse.  With both boys I will say the first few words of the verse and let them say the rest (at least at the first of the week).  Consistent with this practice, I looked at Sam last night and said. "The Lord . . . "  Without missing a beat, Sam responded, "of the Rings."   Ha Ha.  Just to be clear, Sam's verse this week is "The Lord is my Shepard."

Today is school picture day.  We were instructed to put our children in their neatest chapel uniform. This morning I woke up and ironed Finn's chapel uniform.  He looked pretty darn good - except that he couldn't find his tie ANYWHERE.  Michael, ended up putting Finn in one of his ties. It was huge. All I could think about was our instruction to put our children in their neatest uniform - go figure the Begleys would mess that up.   I was pretty flustered, so I didn't think to take a picture (I so wish that I had).  Later that morning Michael called me and told me that Finn left his tie at school - so problem solved!

Tonight we pulled out the game table to see what it could do.  We played air hockey, target practice (with bean bags) and Sam's favorite, soccer.   We had a really good time.

Finn's new backpack! Its getting him some attention from upper classmen - 3rd graders. The other day as I was picking Finn and Sam up from school I heard a kid say "Hey Finn, are you watching wrestling tonight."  Finn said, "I'm watching Night of Champions."  The kid nodded his head in approval and told Finn how good the event was.  As we walked off Finn looked at me and calmly said, "he's a third grader.


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