Green v. Gold Day

Friday was the last day of Spirit Week - Green and Gold day.  The boys wore their Crusader Kids shirts and I put some green hairspray in their hair.  

I also didn't comb Finn's hair either.  I though the extra body went well with the green color. 

On the way to school Sam was bothering Finn which was making Finn really mad.  I tried to explain to Finn that while Sam was being a little annoying, Finn should try to remember that Sam is much younger and much more immature than he (Finn) is and that as such Sam is less culpable for his actions.  Finn looked at me as if I had lost my mind and in a very perturbed voice said, "mom, I don't even know that means, so I don't care!"  And with that statement he continued to be mad at Sam. 

Grandad and Gigi surprised the boys by picking them up at school.  When they brought them home we started getting them ready for the Homecoming Parade. 

Sam was on the "Frozen" float - so we dressed him as Sven. Just so you know, I made those antlers myself. And I added the sign for good measure. 

Finn was on the "101 Dalmatians Float."  I bought pull and peel felt to use for the spots.  I might have made the spots too big because Finn ended up looking more like a diary cow.  

We all met at Drake's Creek park to put the finishing touches on the floats.  Finn and Sam were so excited to see Nana, Papa, Cooper and Hank at the park.  We had about an hour before the parade started, so the boys ran around the park, looked at all of the floats, and patted the "Little Rascals" dog. 

See, Finn really does look like a dairy cow. 

Finn and his friend Jackson.

Sam in his full gear.  The head piece was pretty heavy so Sam didn't like wearing it. I did manage to get a few pictures though. 

The parade started off the with band. 

Sam's float was the first one in the parade.  He was so precious!   He was so excited to see us - even though he had just seen us five minutes earlier.  I think that was what made it so sweet.  He did exactly what I told him to do - he kept his antlers on and he wore his sign. The second he saw us he held his sign out as best he could and waved to us. 

As much as I love my children, my favorite part of the parade was watching Cooper follow the Lego's float.  He loved this float.  He walked behind this float the throughout the rest of the parade.  They invited him several times to ride, but he preferred to walk. 

Hank was handed a cupcake from one of the kids on the "Little Rascals" float. It was a pretty good night to Hank too. 

After the parade we walked back to the car.  Sam and Hank got a little bit of swinging in. 

After leaving the park we went to dinner at Shanes and then we went back home to get ready for bed.  I think we all ended up going to be around 9:30.  Grandad and Gigi slept on the bottom bunk and I slept on the top bunk with Finn on his new "WWE" sheets and bedspread.   Grandad and Gigi surprised him with an early birthday present!  As we were laying in bed Finn whispered to me, "mom, I am so happy to have this new blanket - I think it is even more comfortable than my old one."  He was so happy!  

I didn't end up sleeping in his bed for too long.  As it turns out, Finn puts out a lot more body heat than I remember and it felt like I was sleeping in a furnace.  So I got up and joined Michael and Sam in my bed. 


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