Classic Character v. Disney Character/HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINN

Today is Finn's 6th birthday!  I let him sleep with me last night since it was his birthday.  I found that Finn turning 6 was much easier than Finn turning 5.

In addition to it being his birthday, it was also Classic Character Day v. Disney Character Day at school.  Both boys wanted to be Harry Potter so I obliged.

Once dressed I let Finn decide what he wanted for breakfast.  He chose donuts so we went to Nuvo Donuts. Nana called and told Finn "Happy Birthday" while we were waiting for our donuts.  The boys ate chocolate, sprinkled donuts and glazed donuts and red velvet donuts.

After school we met Daddy and Gran for bowling and pizza at Circus World.  Gran brought Finn one of his presents - a giant "Chase" stuffed animal.  Sam also got a "Duplo Chase" car.  The boys had a great time.  

In between bowling Sam laid on the floor and rolled his Chase car around.  

I left a few minutes before the boys did to go to Goodwill and Michael's to buy stuff for the boys' costumes for the float.  While I was gone, Finn and Sam played the games and rode bumper cars.  Finn had a great time, but Sam was scared to death. 

Later than evening Michael and I went to HCA for a parent/teacher conference.  Ms. Raymer told me that Finn was going really well socially and academically.  When we first started talking she started laughing and told me that Finn was so funny.   


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