Aunt Nellie's 100th

On Saturday Finn and Michael participated in the HCA 1 mile run.  It was for the Summer Camp kickoff party. There were bouncy houses, a 5K and the 1 mile run.  Finn did pretty good.  He and Michael ran it in 10 minutes.  Sam and Will stayed with me and we cheered them on. 

Afterward we went to Aunt Nellie’s 100th birthday party.  It was a really nice party.  The whole family was there – plus tons of people from Aunt Nellie’s church. Michael requested that a Resolution be passed in honor of her 100th birthday.  Deniece had it framed and Michael read it too her at the party.  After the party, the boys went over to Grans house while Michael and I went to Samantha’s house for a little gathering with my court friends. 


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