Finn's Buckle Fracture

On Tuesday, the school nurse called and informed me that Finn had fallen off of the monkey bars and he needed to have the arm x-rayed.  Michael picked Finn up from school early and took him to the emergency room.  Sure enough, Finn has a buckle fracture in his right forearm. (Of course it would be his writing hand.)  The ER doctor wrapped the arm and made an appointment for Finn to get a hard-cast later that week.

We met Finn and Michael at Dairy Queen for some "I'm so sorry you broke your arm" ice-cream.

Finn did really well.  He said that it hurt when he fell, but it didn't hurt too bad when he kept it still. He hated the sling and refused to wear it after we got home. 

He slept well considering - and we iced it the next morning. 

On Thursday I took Finn to the orthopedist to have his arm casted.  He spent the first part of the morning at work with me - which is appropriate since it was nation "Bring Your Kid to Work Day." 

Finn opted for an orange cast. He like the hard cast much better.  Afterward I took Finn back to school.  (He was really excited to wear plain clothes to school.) 

Gran had balloons and a "better bear" delivered to Finn's school.  This was so special to him. 


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