Three Teeth - Going on Six

Will’s teeth are coming in with a vengeance. He has two on the bottom, and one on the upper right side.  I also see three more bulging under the skin.  The problem with teething is that you assume your baby feels crummy because he has razor sharp teeth punching through his gums. Well, even though they do feel bad from the teething process, there are circumstances where they really are sick and you ignore it because you chalk all of their crying, whining, fevers, etc. to the teeth.  Will is currently the victim of his parent’s (not quite blissful) ignorance.  For the past week Will has been miserable.  He cries all the time, he is really needy and his cheeks have been red as firecrackers.  Every morning I will look inside his mouth and “will” those teeth to pop on through so that Will (and his whole family for that matter) can get some relief.  On Thursday, I decided to take Will to the doctor – just in case something else was going on.  I picked the boys up from school and then we all went to the pediatrician’s office for our 4:00 appointment.  Finn, Sam, Will and I sat in the patient room for over an hour waiting to see the doctor.  After thirty minutes the boys were going crazy.   Sam started half griping/half yelling – “MOM! Why are we still here! YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME!”  Finn jumped to my rescue and scolded Sam for being mean to me.  Finn explained very loudly, “Sam, it’s not Mom’s fault! It’s the doctor’s fault.” The walls are paper thin, so everyone could here Finn and Sam’s diatribe. 

I truly believe that pediatricians all attend a secret conference where they all swear, on pain of death, to make all families wait no less than an hour before they bother to spend the obligatory 45 seconds trying to figure out what is wrong with your screaming baby.

When we were finally able to see the doctor, she informed me that Will had a really bad double ear infection.  Oops.  I have no idea how long this poor little baby has been dealing with an ear infection.  Those darned teeth!


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