Mom and Will day

On Friday Will and I had the place to ourselves. Finn and Sam went to spend the night with Gran and Michael went to a men's retreat with our church.  By 4:00 the house was empty, so I decided that I wanted to get in some snuggles with Will.  Will did not want to snuggles.  He would rather that let him jump on my thighs while holding his waist.  He hadn't napped all day so we was really fussy and weepy. I decided to assert my authority and made him snuggle with me.  After about 20 minutes of fussing and pushing, he gave up and took a nap. We sat and rocked for two hours.

After he woke up we went into Gallatin to do a home visit for one of my cases.  It is always nerve racking taking your sweet little baby into a strange home.  But if figured if Finn and Sam could do it - so would Will.  We had a pleasant visit, and other than reeking of cigarette smoke, he came out no worse for wear.

Next we went straight back home and played until bed time.  Will practiced pulling up and taking little steps.  

Then he found my dinner plate and sat in it. We had such a fun night. 

Despite his long nap he cuddled up and went straight to sleep with his lion.  

At 1:30 in the morning, I got a call from Michael asking me to unlock the door.  It scared me a little so I ran into the garage and let him in.  He told me that he came home to get some sleep because one of the guys in his bunk was snoring and his bed was missing a slat.  I told my friend Elena the next day and she said, "Michael is such a diva." 


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