Bugging Sam

Sam is starting to understand the inconveniences of having a little brother - or as Finn calls it "payback."  Sam was the baby for almost five (5) years and didn't have any idea of the concept of the "annoying little brother."  Well, it's a new day (yes it is)!  Will finds great interest in watch the boys play with their toys - especially their electronics.

This little encounter, as pictured below, was so funny to watch.  Will would crawl up to Sam and peer around his body.  Sam would look at Will with annoyance and scoot his bottom a little to the left. Will would then crawl closer to Sam and start the whole process all over again.

Will finally gave up and found great solace in playing with the electrical chord. 

Here, Will has swiped Sam's "Roman Reigns" hand.

These two pictures have nothing to do with the post.  I try to capture, as best I can, moments when Will is still and cuddly. 

Captain Underpants!  It is really good read - especially when, like my boys, you read it in naught but your underpants. 


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