A Harsh Realization

Last week, life for Sam got infinitely harder. You see, Sam doesn't like to wipe.  He wants to be wiped - but doesn't want to do it himself.  Michael and I have been working with Sam  - trying to get him to do it all on his own.  Sam has wiped with complete success on a few occasions, but his triumphs have not convinced him that this "job" is  all his. 

As I was in the kitchen, I heard Sam yell for me to come wipe him.  I told Sam that he has to first try himself, and then I would make sure everything was clean.  Sam informed me that he didn't know how to wipe.  I reminded Sam that he had wiped before and that he could do it again. Sam decided to switch his argument midstream  telling me that he had already wiped once before and that he didn't need to do it again. I decided to give Sam a real life example of why it is important to learn to wipe, so I asked him, "Sam, who do you think wipes my bottom when I am at work?"  He looked at me with those big blue eyes and with such sincerity said, "well Daddy does." I said, "no, no - not daddy." He though for a second and said with equal resolve, "then Nana."  Seeing that this little exercise was not working, I gave up and said, "no  Sam, I have to."  His whole face was painted with horror and disgust as he exclaimed "WHAT!"  Poor Sam could not fathom that he will be required to wipe his own bottom.  Reality truly is a hard beast. 


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