The Keys - Day 3

Today I woke up around 8:30, made a cup of espresso (we have an espresso machine in the room!) and went out to the pool to read my F260 (Bible reading plan).  It was warm, and quiet and wonderful.

Next I went over to Dad and Gina's to hang with Dad while Gina and Elaine got pedicures and massages.  While at Dad's, Lauren and Ryan dropped in for a surprise visit.  It was nice to get to spend some time with them before the wedding!  We sat outside and talked for a while and then went to eat some Cuban food.

Elaine with her banana pineapple smoothie

After lunch, Michael and I walked back to the resort to workout.  We ended up working out with the meanest, gruntiest, creepiest old guy.  Then we went out to the beach for a while.

For dinner, we met Dad, Gina, Elaine, Emily and Zac for dessert. 

Afterwards we walked back to the Casa Marina where we ran into Ryan's parents.  Then we took Emily and Zac out to the pool area.

Then we back to Dad's place where the boys watched the Preds game while the girls sat on the bed and talked about the wedding and figured out to work Gina's new wi-fi camera.

We didn't back to the room until 11:30, but it was a really nice night.


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