Mother's Day Gift

On Saturday, Michael took Finn for his "special day."  This is a day where Michael takes one of the boys and spends quality time with them one-on-one.  Since it was Finn's turn, Sam stayed home with me.  Sam engaged in his typical early Saturday morning routine, i.e. played video games.  When he was either sufficiently bored or utterly defeated, he came looking for me.  He found me in my bedroom doing my Bible study.

This is how I did my Bible Study on Saturday.

Next, Sam and I made homemade ice-cream.  Sam had been pretty bummed the day before when he heard that Finn's 1st Grade Class had an ice-cream sundae party and he (Sam) did not get an ice cream sundae party.  To make Sam's "not so special day" at home seem "more special", we made and ate homemade Oreo blizzards. With one whip of the whisk all the of his woes instantly fell away. 

After Finn got home, he and I started working on one of his science sets that he got for Christmas. This set is really awesome.  After running a few experiments, Finn grabbed the food coloring and started making potions.  He played with this the rest of the day and much of the day on Sunday. 

Later that evening Gran came over to help the boys with my Mother's day present.  They planted flowers in my window box and in my two large planters on the front porch.  While they were planting, I prepared dinner and Michael grilled the steaks that Gran brought over.  It was a really great night. I am so excited to see my flowers when they bloom!

You can see a stowaway in the background.  Will wanted to go out so badly. 


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