Living as a Lefty

Finn has had his cast on for almost two weeks now. While it hasn't been as bad as I anticipated, he was pretty uncomfortable the first week.  He mostly complained of his arm itching. And hey, I get it. I was Finn's age when I broke my arm and it itched terribly. I was only able to get relief by sticking the tail end of metal fly swatter into the cast. Anyway,  a couple of times before bed, Michael gave Finn Benadryl to help with the itch.

Last Wednesday at school, Finn started complaining that his arm itched "really bad."  His teacher sent him to the school administrator's office so that he could call Michael to get the name of "that medicine" that helps with the itch.  Ms. Angel asked Finn to take a seat while he waited.   Ms. Angel then took a phone call and turned her back to Finn while on the phone, When she turned around she was surprised to see this . . .

She didn't say a word to him.  Instead, she quietly got her out phone, took a picture, and sent it to the other administrative assistant (Ms. Davida) in the next room.  Ms. Davida went over to Ms. Angel's office to peek in at Finn.With a captive audience, Finn took the opportunity to explain to them both that no only did his arm itch, but also that he was "SURE" his finger had popped out of socket. Despite their best efforts, Finn refused to believe that his finger was not dislocated.  He then explained that the only thing that "might" help him feel better would be if he could "maybe get a cookie."   Finn, that little shyster, had already scoped out the dessert table for "teacher appreciation week" and honed in on the cookies.  Ms. Angel and Ms. Davida gave Finn and cookie and sent him back to class.

The next day, as I was signing Finn in at the school office after his doctor's appointment, Ms. Davida told me the whole story  - laughing all the while  She told me that they enjoy Finn so much because he is so funny and so special.  She told me to enjoy Finn as much as I can because he will be grown soon enough.  

Okay, I will take a moment to expressly brag on Finn.  This is a paper that Finn worked on last week. This is impressive because Finn wrote this, in cursive, with his left hand.  Finn is not left handed.  I couldn't believe how well he has adjusted to living as a lefty after only one week. 


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