Our Day with M.J. and Zac - The Rehearsal Dinner

Today we spent most of the day with Emily and Zac.  The day started early with me, Emily, Zac, Elaine, Gina, Gene and Minnie going to buy Kino sandals on the other side of town.  We were able to walk the length of Duval Street and see most of the town.

Then Emily and Zac came back to our place and we sat by the pool and played in the ocean.

We spent a lot of time trying to navigate these rocks - they were slippery!

While we were playing in the ocean - the rest of the crew was at the rehearsal.  It poured during the rehearsal. 

Here, I am avoiding the tall sea grass on the bottom of the ocean floor.  It was so gross and full of sea creatures.

Later that evening Michael and I took a taxi to the Pier House for Lauren and Ryan's rehearsal dinner. Ryan's mom made welcome bags for everyone attending the wedding - which included sunglasses. We wore these sunglasses the rest of the trip.

Some of my best work. 

The rehearsal location was great! It overlooked the water. 

Our "bit."  Emily titled this "Holding down the Grandparent's table."  This was our inaugural "jilted" picture.  We did not  remotely feel jilted in anyway.  Dad had jokingly called us the "evil stepsisters" at one point in the evening - so we went with it, hardcore! 

This is our "what you are actually supposed to post" picture. 

Dinner was so good.  We had fried conch, pork, and key lime pie.

Michael and Elaine eating shrimp.  This was Michael's favorite meal. 

Lauren had Gina's wedding dress refashioned into a cute party dress for the rehearsal dinner.  After dinner, Ryan's friend and family gave speeches and toasts.  I have no doubt that Lauren will be well loved by the Interrantes. 

After dinner we walked back to the hotel. We walked from one side of the island to the other.  This gave us an opportunity to see the town at night.  We stopped for coffee and then we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream.  We waited in line for close to 30 minutes for a blizzard. But we had fun sitting around and talking. We four usually have a really good time when we are together - even if we are only walking in a straight line looking at tacky t-shirts (old joke from our Panama City days).

Lauren and Ryan, thank you for such a fun night and all the food! Please renew your vows often!


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