Attorney Appreciation Breakfast and More December Parties

As is ever the case, December was a month with many, many parties, not all of them directly related to Christmas.  On Friday, December 14, 2018, Juvenile Court had its first ever attorney appreciation breakfast.   David bought donuts and coffee and I made chocolate oatmeal cookies and sausage balls.  I brought some Christmas decorations from home along with my Christmas china and set my courtroom up to look as festive as possible.  Drop ceilings make it very hard. We were all very excited to have the breakfast until we realized that the heating unit was not working correctly and the entire building was set at 82 degrees.  We were all pretty miserable - temperature wise - but spirits were high noon the less.  

The purpose of the breakfast was to show our appreciation for the attorneys that regularly take appointments in Juvenile Court.  It is not an easy job most days so we are really grateful for the dedicated attorneys that work hard for our community. 

Brian Stephens, Jennifer Thomas, Erin Stubbs, Nicole Fisher, Judge Howard, Sharon Connor, Patti Garner, Erica Porter, Sue Dunning, me and Russ Edwards.  (Shelby Jansen above)

The next night Michael and I went downtown to celebrate Dustin Clayton's graduation from nurse practitioner school.  Elena rented out a restaurant right off of James Robertson Parkway and had the place looking great.  We were able to spend a relaxing evening with the friends we love the most. We didn't realize that they also had parking at the restaurant, so Michael and I parked at his office and walked 15 minute through downtown Nashville in the freezing cold.  At the time I was slightly annoyed, but I think that when I look back on it I will find it pretty funny. 

Finally, this last picture is of my 2018 D-Group.  We celebrated Christmas together at Chef's Market on December 17th.

Audrey Finney, Whitney Hollenbeck, Adrien Johnson, Dianne Morris, Joyce Synder and me.


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