Upward 2019

Upward Basketball is here again (and almost gone by now).  The boys are both playing again on teams coached by Michael and Pastor Robby.  Sam's team is called the Grizzlies and Finn's team is called the Dolphins.  Finn has improved a lot since last year.  Sam is still a little out of it.  But the one thing I love about Sam is that he is as happy when his teammates score as he is when he scores.

Even though he looks really precious, Will really tried my patience at the games.  He doesn't want to sit -EVER.  It is rare that I get to sit and watch more than a period.  Sometimes I have no other choice but to put him on my shoulders and let him fuss while I watch the boys play.  Maybe next year we will be a little more manageable.

After one of Sam's games we took him to First Watch for breakfast.  (I think Finn went home with Luke that day.)  We had a nice breakfast - we played "I Spy" until our food arrived.


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