Christmas 2019

This Christmas was a big Christmas for us because it was the first time ever any member of our family has spent the night with us on Christmas Eve. Nana and Papa arrived on Christmas Eve right before dinner.  I decided to cook a meal instead of doing multiple finger foods.  So we all sat down and ate lasagna. 

After dinner we the boys talked Nana and Papa into playing with new toilet bowl game.  It is on of those games where each player takes turns flushing the toilet.  The person who gets sprayed in the face looses. The boys LOVE this game. 

This was the first time Will got sprayed.  He thought it was so great.

Then we tried to take pictures - unsuccessfully.

Then Sam quoted the entire Christmas story from Luke 2.  While he was quoting it, he did the sign language.

Then Sam taught Nana how to square dance.  He learned this from his "Little House in the Big Woods" party.

Before going to bed that night we all sat around and watched Buddy.  It was one of my most special Christmas Eves.

The next morning we woke up around 7:00 and opened presents.  Gran and Pa joined us for presents and breakfast on Christmas morning.

This was the year of basketball/football cards for Finn and Sam and Dinotrux for Will.

Will has really enjoyed Christmas this year.  He opened all of his presents with great excitement.  Then when we was out of presents he opened everyone else's presents.  Much of his conversations were reserved for Santa Claus - or has will says "Santi Quaus." He has been just precious. 

What would a Begley Christmas be without a poop emoji. 

After the presents were opened we all sat around and had a leisurely breakfast.


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