Sam’s First Chapter Book

Sam has finished his first chapter book.  He read a chapter to us every night for a couple of weeks.  I think this book had a mystery component - they were looking for the "scribbler." Since Michael and I both help Sam with his reading, neither of us heard the entire book.  After Sam finished the book Michael told me "I don't think I ever found out who the scribbler was.: He seemed so disappointed. 

Turning to Finn, his teachers requested a parent/teacher conference to discuss his bad habit of blurting out.  Everything that crosses Finn's mind comes immediately out of his mouth.  We have noticed the same thing at home; he is argumentative and tries every way in the world to convince us that his position is correct and is more grounded in logic.  I am glad that Finn thinks on his feet, but  he needs to learn when to keep his opinions to himself.  His teachers assured us that he isn't mean spirited or trying to be disrespectful, but that he just has this compulsion to say what he believes to be true or fair.   We also learned that Finn doesn't sit down during class.  He stands in the back of the room during lectures and does most of his seatwork standing up.  I was shocked.  I didn't realize how antsy Finn is.  His teachers don't seem to mind.  But it seems really weird to me. 



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