Rapid Poops

On Friday Michael and I went to get pedicures for Valentines Day.  We really enjoy doing this together.  We get coffee and sit in the massage chairs and get the hard parts of our feet softened up.  Afterward we went to get dinner at Avante Grille and then we watched "Bohemian Rhapsody."  It was a great VD day.  (Side note:  Finn and Sam found the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" to be hilariously weird and wanted to listen to it over and over.  Sam likes to sing to himself when he is using the bathroom and started singing the sillier parts of that song.  Not realizing it, Sam combined Bohemian Rhapsody with Handel's "The Messiah." So instead of singing 'Halleluiah" he sang "Galileo." He had no idea he was singing it incorrectly and it was so precious.)

The next night Finn and Sam started synchronized vomiting at 11:00 p.m.  It was so awful. Sam started first and right after we got him cleaned up and his bed changed Finn started.  They woke up on Sunday morning still lethargic and feverish so they stayed home from church.  They didn't hardly do anything at all day except lay on the couch and sleep.  On Monday they seemed to feel better, but still weren't 100%.  Luckily they were out of school for Presidents Day anyway so they didn't miss school. 

On Tuesday they seemed fine so we sent them to school.  I got a call from the school nurse at about 10:30 letting me know that Sam was plagued with diarrhea.  I immediately left work to pick him up.  When I got to DA I found a bench in the hallway and waited for Sam.  A few minutes later he came sauntering down in the hallway.  I asked him if he was alright and he said, "Mom, I had rapid poops."  When he realized that I wasn't the only person in the waiting area he buried his head in my stomach and then he looked like he was about to cry.  I asked him if he was embarrassed and he shook his head. He was so pitiful.  The nurse told me that he was yelling for help while sitting on the commode. It's no wonder he was crying.  Later than day we found out that Finn heard him yell for help, recognized that it was Sam yelling, and did nothing about it.  We asked him why he didn't help his brother and he said, "there wasn't anything I could do." Oh Finn - one day you are going to get what's coming to you.  

Will hasn't gotten sick yet.  Since the boys were hogging the TV in the living room, we let Will watch DinoTrux in our bed.


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