Today the Begley family (me, Michael and Finn) participated in a charity Dodge ball tournament. Actually, it was just suppose to me participating. A few lady attorneys up at Juvenile Court decided to put a team together and play in the annual CASA Dodge ball tournament. In the beginning hopes were high and we had seven ladies signed up to play on our team. On the day of the tournament only four of us showed up. After getting a good look at the other teams, we accepted the fact that we were going to get creamed and more likely injured. However, we braved through the registration process and then went to the bathroom to put on our hot pink team shirts. We were called the Legal Dodgers.
During warm ups we realized that we were in over our heads and I made an emergency call to Michael. There were 18 teams, made up of firefighters, athletes and big guys wearing sweat bands around their heads. We were the only all female team and were in desperate need of some testosterone. Thankfully my chivalrous yet reluctant husband came, put on a hot pink t-shirt and led our rag tag team of lady lawyers to a record of 0-7. (Actually Michael only played 2 games because he had to get Finn back home) That's right, we didn't when one match. But that's okay because we had fun. We were easily the crowd favorite because we were so slow, uncoordinated, pitiful and defenseless. The crowd actually booed when one of the big guys would peg us with the ball.
Check out our team of moral victors!
After the tournament was over I went home and held Finn for about 4 hours . It was great. Unfortunately the reason I was able to spend so much quality time with Finn was because he was sick. The next morning we found out that Finn had an ear infection. Oops. Since Monday was a holiday we were able to spend the entire day at home with Finn nursing him back to health.
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