Mickey Mouse Valentines
Today Finn felt awful. He cried from the minute he got home until around 7:00 when his medicine kicked in. I know it was his teeth because he practically had his entire hand in his mouth. I guess because he was in such great pain he felt a bit warm. He found out that his temperature was a little over 100 degrees so we took him upstairs and put in a cool bath.
I felt so bad for him. He was miserable to begin with and then we stuck him in cool water. In order to keep Finn from thinking this was some sort of punishment I decided to brave it and get in with him. I was right, it was awful!
After his medicine kicked in Finn got a new lease on life. His first order of business was to open his Valentines Day card from Grandad and Gigi. It was a Mickey Mouse Club House card that played the clubhouse theme. Finn asked me to read that card a hundred times tonight.

After I was all read out, Finn decided to take matters in his own hands.

Later on in the evening, long after Finn should've been in bed, Finn discovered that Thomas could haul things around. Finn very carefully would place his sippy cup on Thomas. It was so funny watching Finn try to balance that cup. He acted just like an adult would. After he had placed the cup on Thomas he would slowly move both of his hands away from the cup, but kept them close enough to catch the cup if it were to fall off. When he was satisfied with his work, he took off running as fast as he could toward the kitchen.
When he got thirsty he stopped and had a sip . . . just like this.
I felt so bad for him. He was miserable to begin with and then we stuck him in cool water. In order to keep Finn from thinking this was some sort of punishment I decided to brave it and get in with him. I was right, it was awful!
After his medicine kicked in Finn got a new lease on life. His first order of business was to open his Valentines Day card from Grandad and Gigi. It was a Mickey Mouse Club House card that played the clubhouse theme. Finn asked me to read that card a hundred times tonight.
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