Super Bowl
Today was Super Bowl Sunday. After church we all came home and immediately started preparing for our little Super Bowl Party. Michael made started a fire. Finn is fascinated with watching Michael start a fire. Today, he threw a pair of my socks in the fireplace.

After the house was cleaned and the food was mostly ready to go, Finn and I went outside to play. To say Finn loves being outside would be an understatement. If you take Finn outside be prepared to stay for about an hour - otherwise he feels like he has been teased. In honor of the special day Finn and I spent some time kicking around the football. The football was a bit difficult for Finn to see so we switched over the soccer ball. I did my best to "air mail" (there's a fourth grade term if I've ever heard one) the soccer ball so that Finn could run after it. He really liked chasing down the ball. Then we started throwing the ball on the roof and letting it roll off. When it would roll off we would run to catch it. I think I enjoyed this game much more than Finn did.

Soon all of the guests arrived. In attendance were Chase and Lindsey, Brandon, Carissa, Addison and Ella, and Gran and Pa. Finn had a good time at the party. Gran made him peanut butter cookies and Addison let Finn play with his trains. I got to sit and hold Ella. She is wonderful.

After everyone left Finn and I started a new game where I would sit on the exercise ball, put Finn in my lap and bounce as high as I can. He love it!!! I have to admit, it is fun but it is also hard work.

These are few pictures of Finn pretending to feed dad. Finn has learned to fake eat. He will pretend to take fake food off the plate and then put the fork in his mouth. Sometimes he even finishes off with "ummmm".
After the house was cleaned and the food was mostly ready to go, Finn and I went outside to play. To say Finn loves being outside would be an understatement. If you take Finn outside be prepared to stay for about an hour - otherwise he feels like he has been teased. In honor of the special day Finn and I spent some time kicking around the football. The football was a bit difficult for Finn to see so we switched over the soccer ball. I did my best to "air mail" (there's a fourth grade term if I've ever heard one) the soccer ball so that Finn could run after it. He really liked chasing down the ball. Then we started throwing the ball on the roof and letting it roll off. When it would roll off we would run to catch it. I think I enjoyed this game much more than Finn did.
After everyone left Finn and I started a new game where I would sit on the exercise ball, put Finn in my lap and bounce as high as I can. He love it!!! I have to admit, it is fun but it is also hard work.
Looks like you all had a good time, especially Finn!