A Very Special VD

Today is Valentine's Day, a day that I dreaded as a teenager, but have grown to appreciate a bit more in my adult years. The day turned out to be great. Finn woke up at 6:15 and bawled his eyes out until 7:30. His teeth were hurting him so badly that he wouldn't do anything but sit and rock with me. He didn't eat, he didn't play, he didn't even want to go see his dad. Michael picked him up all he could do was cry for me. Since he was feeling so badly I couldn't leave him so I took him to work with me. I only had one case on the docket so I decided to go ahead and go to court.

When we got to the courthouse I sat in the back of the room so that Finn wouldn't be a distraction. We sat quietly for a few minutes and read Finn's "Mickey" book until my case was called. I put the book down, grabbed Finn and we made our way to the bench. Finn was not happy about my taking away of the book and screamed on the top of his lungs "MICKEY" all the way to the front of the courthouse. Luckily we were in Juvenile court and there are always kids present but it is totally different when it is your kid screaming in court. As we approached Judge Tatum asked if this was my child. I told that I picked this up on the side of the road because no child of mine would ever misbehave in court. That got a good laugh from the judge and the everyone else in the courtroom. Then Judge Tatum asked Finn to approach the bench and he gave him a sucker. Finn was very pleased to get a sucker and then gladly went with a DCS worker while I presented my argument.

We arrived back at home fairly early in the day and Finn took a nap. When he woke up he didn't want to do anything but sit with me, so I took the rest of the day off and sat with my poor, sick baby. It was the most wonderful day. Finn sat quietly in my lap for almost three hours. First he fell asleep on my shoulder and then he fell asleep laying on my thigh. It was the best gift I could ask for.

For our Valentine's dinner Finn and I met Michael and Qdobas. They had a special running that if you kissed your "sweetheart" in line then you could get one dinner free. The three of us shared a sweet little kiss at the checkout counter and went home with a super cheap yet delicious dinner.

When we got home Michael and I gave Finn his present, a Mickey Mouse puzzle.

Then he grabbed his Farm animals puzzle and played with both of them together.
Then Gran and Pa stopped by for a few minutes to give Finn his present. Finn got a "Percy" train, mini Mickey Mouse books, a Thomas Outfit and black polo shirt.

He also ate a bit heart-shaped Rice Krispy cookie. Good day!


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