
My 31st birthday officially began at 5:45 on Friday morning. Finn came running into the room and whispered "go down stairs? Eat breakfast?" I asked him if he wanted oatmeal or pancakes and without delay he yelled with excitement "pancakes." At around 6:00 Finn had a pancake. He was very exited and very appreciative of his special pancake treat.

At around 9:00 Daddy woke up and he and Finn gave me my present; the 8 disk blue-ray Harry Potter collector's edition - heavenly!!! I was so excited and my excitement rubbed off on Finn. Finn brought in a very nicely packaged bag and said "Happy Birthday Mommy." He could barely contain his excitement over the Harry Potter disks. He sat and looked through them and said "Finn's excited." He wanted to watch one immediately but instead we all got ready and went to IHOP to redeem my free birthday breakfast - a Rooty Tooty Fresh-n-Fruity. Finn was absolutely a mess. He was so keyed from the exciting morning that he couldn't calm down. He didn't really eat anything but he drank quite a bit of coffee. It was pretty hot so I gave to him from a spoon. He loved it.

My birthday always falls on Veteran's Day so Michael got the day off. When we got home Michael worked out while Finn and I went to wash the car. Then Grandad stopped by to say hello and play with Finn for a few minutes.

After his nap we went to Murfreesboro to look at wedding dresses with "soon to be" Aunt Chelsea. I found Finn and Daddy a while later at Chuck-E-Cheese playing. It's so much fun to watch Finn play when he doesn't know your watching. After a few games of basketball we traded Finn's tickets in for some stickers, a whistle and a ruler. Then we were off to Nana and Papa's house for my birthday dinner of Chinese and cake.

We had a really great time at the party. The food was wonderful and the presents were great! Finn had a wonderful time playing in the playroom. He stayed up until 10:30 when he fell asleep snuggling in my arms; that was my present from Finn. Finn slept in between us that night and as restless as my sleep was it was a sweet. Finn was up though at 5:30 laying his head on my face and asking to go downstairs. Begrudgingly I took him downstairs. We ended up snuggling on the couch and watching Mickey Mouse.

An hour later the rest of the house was awake. Finn and Cooper played upstairs in the playroom while Em, Zac, Michael and I chatted downstairs. When it was time to go we said our goodbyes and head for the Mellow Mushroom for my birthday lunch from Michael. Finn fell asleep in the car on the way and was little cranky for the first few minutes. He didn't want to do anything but sit in my lap and cuddle up under my chin. I thought it was really sweet. When Finn realized that he could play with his trains in the window he was gone for good.

When we got home we tried to give Finn a nap - he refused so I laid him down the couch with me to watch Harry Potter. Again, he refused. I let him up and he quietly played trains until Gran and Mimi stopped by to give me my birthday present.

After it got dark Finn helped me to bake oatmeal raisin cookies for Sunday School. He thinks they are for his Sunday School Class. He dragged a chair from the kitchen table over to the counter and helped me pour and mix the ingredients. He loves to help in the kitchen and I love having him next to me. He is so thoughtful and careful when he helps pour in the ingredients. I wonder what age kids are when they decide helping mom in the kitchen is lame?

All in all it was one of the best birthday's I can remember. How it not be with a sweet little boy looking over to me every so often and saying "Happy Birthday Mommy." He said this about 10 times today. Finn sure does love birthdays and he along with the rest of my family and friends made this one great one. 31 has started on a high note. I love you all,



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