Sweet Brother

This morning while Finn and I were coloring in the floor, Finn, seemingly, out of nowhere, stopped what he was doing and hugged by stomach. He then looked up at me and said, "Maybe Sam watch Mickey Mouse with Finn." I told him that Sam would watch Mickey Mouse with him. He got this big smile on his face and hugged my stomach again. Then, he very excitedly said, "and play trains?" I said, "yes, Sam will play trains with you." His whole body shook with excitement and he threw his arms around my neck and gave me a big hug.

As sweet as that moment was, Finn reverted back to major brat status on our way to Mr. Oliver's office. Periodically I stop in and say hello to Mr. Oliver and Evelyn. Today, I was going to stop by for just a few minutes to pick some things up. On our way I told Finn that we were going to see Mr. Oliver. Very defiantly Finn said "I will NOT go see Mr. Oliver!" I told Finn that we were going no matter what and he would have to be nice. I asked him if he was going to be ugly and he said "yes." I told him that if wasn't nice I would leave him there. I think that did the trick.

When we got inside Finn was well behaved. He was stuck to me like white on rice but he was at least polite. Mr. Oliver really wanted to hold Finn and when I tried to pass him off he clung to me with his arms and legs. I literally held my arms out to my side and he didn't budge. Later on in the day I learned that Mr. Oliver scares Finn. I asked Finn if he wanted to go back and see Mr. Oliver and he said, "No, he scary." Can't say I blame the kid, I was scared of Mr. Oliver at first too.

After his bath Finn decided that he wanted to brush my teeth. I told him that after I brushed his teeth he could brush mine. When his turn came he looked at me and say "ahhh" as if to say 'open your mouth wide.' I did my best to comply but it really hurt. When he wanted to brush my front teeth he looked and me and said "eeeee." It went back and forth from "ahh" to "eee" for awhile. I finally had to put an end to it after I thought I was bleeding.


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