Personal Pronouns

This week we are working on personal pronouns with Finn. Finn refers to himself way to often in the 3rd person. To avoid some over confidence issues in the future, we are pushing the pronouns. The problem is its a lot harder than I thought. I have been referring myself as "mama" for the past two years. It sounds like I need the help as much as Finn. Our hard work is paying off. I am hearing lots of "I do it!" I don't know what's worse.

I am always entertained and amazed at the things Finn says, some of his phrases this week include:

1. "No, go this way honey." Finn mimicking his mother giving his father directions.
2. "Love you Sam." Finn as he hugs my belly. Just you wait Finn - you won't be so loving in a few months.
3. "No talking on the phone, Mommy!". Finn asking me to NOT to work after 5:00.
4. "Biggest bite ever seen." Finn after scooping up a spoonful of oatmeal and shoving it in his mouth.

Finn's new favorite book "Llama Llama Mad At Mama."

These are a few pictures of Finn in the morning - meaning 5:00ish a.m. In these pictures Finn is waiting on his oatmeal.

I do believe that Finn is "all done" with his high chair. He only wants to sit in the real chairs. He does alright - he just has a problem with wanting to stand up.


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