
On Halloween morning Finn decided that he didn't want to eat breakfast at the table. I made Finn's oatmeal, set it on the and sat him in the chair. Then I walked into the bathroom off the kitchen to blow dry my hair. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw this . . .


I picked Finn up around 4:30 and then we got ready for trick-r-treating. Before we left for the big night Finn opened his Halloween present from Gran, which include "Thomas" toothbrush and toothpaste.

Then Finn put on his costume - really, did you even have to ask. He was not too keen about my drawing on the eyebrows. When we showed him his new look in the mirror - the most peculiar look crossed his fact - for a minute I thought he was going to cry. Then he decided looked pretty good and wanted to look at himself the rest of the night.

After the first house, Finn asked to eat his piece of candy. We told him that he could eat once he got home. He immediately asked to go home. We convinced him that it would be way more fun to go to more houses. True to form, Finn was a little nervous at first, but eventually liked looking at all the other children.
Midway through we caught up with Addison. Thank goodness too - Finn asked about him all night.
When we got home we gave Finn a piece of his candy - a snickers bar. It was hard as a rock and Finn had a hard time getting his teeth into it. He looked so funny trying to bite into that candy bar.


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