That's Bad News

Last night after dinner Michael and Finn started the first fire of the year. Finn helped his dad put stick in the fireplace. He was more interested in the sticks than the fire. Next we got Finn ready for bed.

Finn's bedtime routine is as follows: 1. Finn turns on his fan, 2. Finn turns on his turtle, 3. Finn turns on his cd player, 4. Finn hops in the bed, 5. Prayer and kisses, 6. Inevitably Finn asks if I will hold his hand, 7. Expecting the answer is no, Finn lays down and we tell him that we are going to sit right outside his door. Step 7 is new. Usually we sit in the doorway. We are trying to get Finn to be okay with us kissing him goodnight and closing the door. I guess we closed the door too quickly last night prompting Finn to hop out of bed and run to open the door. Unfortunately he ended up locking the door "from the inside." We had no way and he had no way out. He was terrified. You could hear him panicking from the other side of the door. It was mostly dark in his room so he didn't do a great job of unlocking the door. I managed to find a key to the door fairly quickly, but of course I couldn't get it to work. Somehow or another Finn either unlocked the door or the key accidentally worked - I can't be sure. Either way he was just fine.

The next morning Finn woke up around 6:00. He came to the side of the bed and asked me if we could go downstairs. Begrudgingly I got up and we made the trip down the stairs. Finn asked me to pick him up so I did. Right after I picked him up he looked at me said "Finn has gas." I was so tickled.

For the most part Finn was pretty good. He did manage to color on the wall for the first time and we made it clear that he would not have any fingers to color with if he did it again. Everytime after Finn got in trouble today he would say "that's bad news." He certainly has a way with words.

Finn was a little out of sorts this afternoon. He woke up from his nap after an hour and half and asked to come downstairs. I grabbed him and we snuggled up on the couch. After a few minutes I heard a little snore. I looked down to see Finn fast asleep laying on my arm. Nothing in this world is more wonderful than holding a sleeping child. Unfortunately my arm feel asleep after 45 minutes so I had to move him. He woke up screaming his lungs out and ended up screaming for about 20 minutes with no explanation. After the 20 minutes was up he just stopped. Who knows.

Oh, and I spent most of the day thinking that I had cooked Sam. I accidentally rolled over on my heating pad this morning. I figured that I was on it for around 30 minutes. After doing a little research online - which one should never do by the way, I was convinced that poor Sam was "well done." As calmly as I could I called a good friend who is a nurse midwife and told me that Sam was fine.


  1. Erin, You crack me up, maybe Sam will have a good tan!!!


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