
Showing posts from 2012

Our Family Christmas 2012

Due to scheduling, we had our family Christmas on the morning on the 26th.  We got home at 10:00 on Christmas night and put the boys to bed.  Michael and I then stuffed the stockings and I had a few gifts left to wrap.  Finn woke up around 7:00 and hopped in bed with us.  He cuddled with me for another thirty (30) minutes before Sam started crying.  After Sam was up we took the boys downstairs to see what Santa Clause brought.  I was worried that the boys, specifically Finn, would be all Christmased out - but not so.  He was so excited.  This year Santa (a.k.a. mom and dad) brought Finn just what he wanted - little monster trucks.  He got "After Shock", "Monster Mutt", "Grave Digger" (along with a ramp play set) and "Bad News."  Santa also brought a "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" sword, a "Home Depot" tool box, and a "Jurassic Park" dinosaur (the one with the fans around its neck that scares Finn on...

The Begley Christmas

We left Christmas at Nana and Papa's house at 9:00 on Christmas morning and went to Gran and Pa's house.  When we hit Murfreesboro, Finn informs us that he needs to go to the bathroom.  We stop at the Pilot off exit 81.  The bathrooms had the automatic flushes - Finn hates those things - they scare him to death.  The first time Finn shifted his body, the toilet flushed and Finn told me that he didn't have to go potty anymore.  He is so funny to watch.  His eyes get big as golf ball and he covers his head with his hands.  Despite the scary toilet we had a success stop.  We got to Gran and Pa's house as scheduled at 10:30. This year Finn helped Uncle David hand out the presents.  He did such a great job - he got a little restless near the end and decided that the wanted to open his presents.  Finn sat with Michael and we were separated by a mountain of presents and a sea of paper.  I know that he had a great time - but I...

Christmas at Nana and Papa's

This year we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Nana and Papa's house.  We arrived at their house around noon.  Finn immediately started playing while I started preparing my dips for Christmas Eve dinner.  At 3:00 Michael and I made a quick trip to Sonic and then to Walgreens to buy stocking stuffers for the boys; let me just say that it is really difficult to buy stocking stuffers for a baby.   We got Finn some candy, a fart noise maker, a Scooby-Doo coloring book, and a Jurassic Attach monster truck.  Sam got food. When we got back to the house Em, Zac and the boys had arrived.  Before having dinner Papa read the Christmas story to the boys.  The Christmas story was great - Mom had found a power point version online that was geared toward a younger audience. I have some really cute pictures but I am having a hard time uploading them.  I will try again when I have some more time tonight. After a wonderful supper we all went ups...