Finn's New Carseat

I have had a very difficult time deciding what to get Sam for Christmas.  He doesn't really like to play with his own toys - he would much rather play with whatever Finn is playing with.  Since is just a wee little thing I decided that I would get him mostly things that he needs; i.e. a car seat.  Since Michael and I both drive the boys in our own cars we have to get two car seats.  I bought the first one this past.  For the time being it will be my car. 

The minute Finn saw the "new" seat he told me that he wanted it.  I explained to him that it was Sam's seat and that he has a nice seat of his own.  I put Sam in the seat for the first time on Thursday.  He didn't care for it too much.  I think it may still be a bit big for him.

When I went to pick them up fro m JT's that same day Finn ran to Sam's car seat and hopped in.  I just decided to put Sam in Finn's seat.  It actually fit him much better and he was pretty comfortable.  Once I got Finn buckled into Sam's seat he told me over and over in the most serious voice how much he loved Sam's seat and how comfortable it is.  Now every time we go anywhere Finn begs to sit in Sam's seat. 

That night we noticed that Sam was starting to get really fussy.  He had been running a low grade fever for the past two days.  I have had the BEST two days. Sam has laid on my chest and cuddled with me nonstop. 

 He seemed a little worse on Thursday night so we decided to take him to the doctor on Friday.  After sitting in the waiting room for an hour I learned that Sam probably had a virus and to just let him rest and keep his nose cleaned out.

The next morning he woke up a rash on his face, chest and back.  I was a rash caused by the virus, but it has made him one ornery baby. I feel so sorry for him.


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