Dedicating Bruton

Today was Baby Dedication day at church.  Like everything else in my life (except for work) we hit the deadline by the skin of our teeth.  I rushed to send the picture off to the church office by Friday afternoon.  I spend the rest of the weekend calling up family members to both invite them to the dedication and apologizing for the late notice.

Both boys slept until around 7:00 this morning.  After getting up I immediately started getting everyone ready for the big day.  This was relatively easy and stress free - I can't exactly say that about the rest of the day :)

When we were getting the boys out of the car Finn noticed that this shoe was untied and asked me to tie it for him.  He then told me that he didn't know how to tie it.  I acknowledged that he could not tie his shoe and very seriously (and very sweetly) he added, "but I can learn.'

I left Sunday School a few minutes early so that I could reserve seats.  We have a very large church and finding seven (7) seats together is nearly impossible.  First to arrive was Nana and Papa and they had Cooper and Hank.  Next, Grandad and Gigi - and last Gran.  Cooper spent his time in Finn's Sunday School class.

Midway through the service I went to pick up Finn so that we could get lined up in the choir room.  Finn and Cooper were in "Tree Hollow" at the time.  "Tree Hollow" is when all the different classes meet in a gathering room and sing songs.  When we looked in at Finn and Cooper my heart melted.  Cooper was standing in the front of the group dancing and doing all the motions.  He was precious!  His focus was so intense.  Later we were told that Cooper was more attentive than any other child in "Tree Hollow."  The teachers loved him.  I was also happy when I saw Finn.  Every week Finn tells me that he did not participate in "Tree Hollow" and instead sits in the floor.  Well today, he was up on his feet, singing and dancing.   He made sure to tell us that he stood up today in "Tree Hollow." 

Baby Dedication took place at the end of the service.  They lined us all up in alphabetical order and led us out on stage.  One by one they introduced each family/baby and showed the baby's picture on the screen.  This is the picture I used for Sam.

 We were praying here.  Good job with the eyes mom.

After the services, things got interesting.  I decided to ride with Nana to the restaurant since I knew my way around town.  I sent Papa to ride with Michael and my boys.  I gave Greg directions to the side of the church where I told Michael to wait for me.  When mom and I finally got Cooper and Hank into her car we headed to get some lunch.  Before we left the church parking lot Michael called and asked if I was in mom's car. Thankfully we asked if he had Greg.  Well, he didn't.  In a panic we doubled back to go get Greg. I felt so bad.  I walked throughout the lower level of the church and couldn't find him anywhere.  Mom stopped a police officer and he called for Greg over the load speak.  All's well that ends well.

We then learned that the restaurant was closed so we went to Firehouse.  It was packed.  Me managed to snag a six (6) person table and jammed seven (7) adults and four (4) children around.  We were a mess.  But it sure was fun.

Thank you to everyone who came!

Oh and "Bruton" is one of Sam's nicknames. 

Later in the evening I saw a commercial for Dunkin' Doughnuts Peppermint Mocha K-Cups.  I made the impulsive decisions to load up the boys and drive to Goodlettsville for K-Cups. Finn was only too happy to oblige my impulsion the second I mentioned the word doughnut.  Upon arrival I learned that they were not in yet that I was to be inline by 4:00 on Thursday if I wanted a box.  I bought Finn a chocolate and sprinkles doughnut.  He was excited.  He looked so sweet sitting in his car seat eating his doughnut.  In between bites he sang to the best of his ability.


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