Christmas at Nana and Papa's

This year we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Nana and Papa's house.  We arrived at their house around noon.  Finn immediately started playing while I started preparing my dips for Christmas Eve dinner.  At 3:00 Michael and I made a quick trip to Sonic and then to Walgreens to buy stocking stuffers for the boys; let me just say that it is really difficult to buy stocking stuffers for a baby.   We got Finn some candy, a fart noise maker, a Scooby-Doo coloring book, and a Jurassic Attach monster truck.  Sam got food.

When we got back to the house Em, Zac and the boys had arrived.  Before having dinner Papa read the Christmas story to the boys.  The Christmas story was great - Mom had found a power point version online that was geared toward a younger audience. I have some really cute pictures but I am having a hard time uploading them.  I will try again when I have some more time tonight.

After a wonderful supper we all went upstairs to try to get the boys to sleeps.  Emily's children of course went to sleep without an issue.  Mine did not.  We turned Kung Fu Panda on for Finn to watch during wind down.  He watched the entire movie and still fussed when it was bedtime.  He finally went to sleep with Michael lying next to him.  Sam was all set to sleep on the air mattress but refused to go to sleep so we let him stay up with us.

The adults spent the rest of the night downstairs until it was time for bed.   Sam and I slept on the air mattress together.  Sam was up every thirty minutes.  He would let out one loud cry and then go immediately back to sleep.

The next morning I got up at 6:00 to get ready for the day.  Mom was already up preparing Christmas breakfast.  We got everyone else up at 7:00.  Finn was really excited to open his presents.

Much like everything else in his life, Finn is so serious about opening presents.  I think that he likes opening better than anything else.  Finn got some great gifts - he got a few books, a Veggie Tales movie, some cute long sleeved t-shirts, a monster truck, a dino-transformer, a dinosaur puzzle, a pair of "tough" shoes, .

 Finn's big present from Nana and Papa was a new Mickey Mouse Bicycle.  He hasn't figured out how to peddle yet, but we are working on it.  He has already made good use of his "handlebars pack" - he carries his monster trucks around.

Sam had a great Christmas too - he also got some books, a learning turtle, a cute onsie outfit, a "Thumper" toy, a Veggie Tales movie, a baby light-up drum, and a Titan's onsie

 Sam standing up!  He is getting really good and standing up and balancing for several minutes at a time.  He gets really proud of himself.
 At this point you may be wondering if I am a single mom . . . just wait for it.

  . . . there is he is; the Daddy that we all love so much.

After the boys opened their presents we we exchanged and opened ours.  As always we sat in a circle and opened one at a time.  I am so excited about my Christmas presents this year.  Together with my birthday money I am going to be able to get an IPad.  I also got a really pretty scarf, a jar spatula (which I love and have already used) hand towels, a great necklace as well as other great stocking stuffer gifts.

After we opened presents Nana took pictures of the boys in the wrapping paper while Michael and I packed up the car.  Sam loved it!!!

 Going, going, GONE!!!!

 Thank you Nana and Papa for a wonderful Christmas! And thank you Nana for taking all these pictures.


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