Our Family Christmas 2012

Due to scheduling, we had our family Christmas on the morning on the 26th.  We got home at 10:00 on Christmas night and put the boys to bed.  Michael and I then stuffed the stockings and I had a few gifts left to wrap. 
Finn woke up around 7:00 and hopped in bed with us.  He cuddled with me for another thirty (30) minutes before Sam started crying.  After Sam was up we took the boys downstairs to see what Santa Clause brought.  I was worried that the boys, specifically Finn, would be all Christmased out - but not so.  He was so excited. 

This year Santa (a.k.a. mom and dad) brought Finn just what he wanted - little monster trucks.  He got "After Shock", "Monster Mutt", "Grave Digger" (along with a ramp play set) and "Bad News." 

Santa also brought a "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" sword, a "Home Depot" tool box, and a "Jurassic Park" dinosaur (the one with the fans around its neck that scares Finn on the movie).  He also got a "Cars" bean bag chair.  

Sam has shown a great interest in cars so we got Sam a "Mini Cooper" and a Hummer.  He spent the rest of his waking day driving them around on his knees.

Sam also got a "Pukey."

After we opened presents we realized that we didn't have any milk in the house so Michael and the boys went to get Christmas doughnuts and milk.  Finn got a chocolate one and picked a vanilla one out for me.  He asked if he could take a bite of my doughnut.  Realizing mine was better than his he asked me if we could share our doughnuts.  Mine really was way better.  I hated to give it up.

Sam attempting to share Finn's doughnut.

The boys spent the rest of the day playing with their new toys.  We made a ramp using one of the leaves from the table for Finn's monster trucks to race on.

Then it was time for naps.  Sam took a four and a half hour (4 1/2) nap - WHOA.  Finn's nap wasn't too shabby either, a couple of hours at least.  While the boys napped I made a quick trip to town and then cooked for our dinner get-together.

After they got up Finn sat on his beanbag chair and watched his new Veggie Tales movie.

Sam tried whole milk for the first time - he didn't care for it.  I tried to heat it up, but he wasn't interested at all.  Three more weeks buddy and you won't have a choice anymore.

We went to Gran and Pa's for supper.  Kim, Mark, Katie and Jake came too.  Finn plays really well with Katie.  They ran around together the whole time.  Finn was so sweet to her.  He brought her a plate of cookies into the living and then he brought her a piece of pizza.  He was so polite - the perfect little host. For dessert, Gran made peppermint milkshakes.  Finn said, "these are so so good."


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