"It's Always a Bruton"

My little pop star (Finn) has picked up a new song.  It is a catchy/teenybopper song that repeats the phrase "It's always a good time" over and over.  When Finn sign it he says, "It's always a Bruton."  He doesn't seem to sing it as a joke.  I think he actually thinks those are the words.

On Monday I call from Michael while I was headed to court in Wilson County.  He told me that Finn may have quite possibly saved Sam's life.  Michael heard all kinds of commotion from the boys in the den after I had left for the day.  Finn kept yelling "No Sam."  Michael went in to check on the boys and saw that Sam had a hard (fake) cranberry in the mouth that had fallen off the Christmas Tree.   Finn was trying to get him to spit it out.  The night before Michael told Finn that Sam was to NEVER put a cranberry in his mouth.  Finn clearly absorbed that conversation and put into practice what he had learned.  Finn to the rescue!  However, seeing as how Finn more than likely pulled the cranberries off the tree may have actually put the whole thing in motion.  

On Tuesday I made spaghetti for supper; Finn's favorite (or so he says).  He ate a good deal of spaghetti.  However, Sam ate more.  Sam eats mostly table food for dinner and had his first taste of "real" spaghetti.  After supper Michael pulled out a "buy one/get one free" coupon to Marble Slab Creamery.  It was a fairly warm night so we decided to go out for ice cream.  Finn, Sam and I shared an ice cream so it should come as no surprise that I only got a few bites. After every few bites, Finn's teeth would chatter and he said, "I am freezing to death."  Hmm,  wonder where he picked that one up. When there were only a couple bites left Finn sweetly handed me the cup and said, "you can have the rest mom."  I thought it was very sweet until he turned to Michael and said,"I will eat some of Daddy's."  Michael still had a lot of ice cream left that Finn was anxious to get his hands on.

After ice cream we walked to center of the shopping area and looked at the huge outdoor light tree.  Michael, Sam and I chased Finn around that tree for a long time.  He thought it was so much fun running circle around the big Christmas Tree.  It made be a little dizzy.

On Wednesday morning Sam and Finn were up at the crack of dawn.  Finn went down stairs and helped me make his oatmeal (he does all the pouring).  He happened to see a Christmas toy magazine so I sat down with him while he pointed to everything he wanted for Christmas.  He then gave a detailed description as to why he wanted it. I pointed to nearly every toy - except for the "girl toys."  I wish I could remember all of his responses.  The only real takeaway that I have about this conversation is that Finn is hilarious.


  1. I wish you could remember the comments too, because Finn IS hilarious! I love the ice-cream story.


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